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Training ASHAs in Rishikesh at an Ayushman Bharat Wellness Center

In March 2019, Aaroogya screened for breast cancer, tracked the progress of screened patients, and conducted health care trainings for local women in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, at the Ayushman Bharat wellness center. After Research & Public Health Fellows conducted a preliminary anthropological study to understand the population’s lifestyles, history, and occurrence of cancers in women in this particular topography. Dr. Vidhi, Aaroogya’s representative from the Ayushmann Bharat Centre at Rishikesh led a team of doctors to execute early cancer detection in the region. Aaroogya’s telehealth meetings and unique screening model using the AI-based Thermomammogram allowed our teams to produce on-the-spot results for those screened.

During these awareness sessions—1,000 local women were trained to be ASHA workers, and would henceforth be capable of educating and acting on the key issues of nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, general health, and cancer in their region. Beneficiaries were also sensitized on issues of menstrual health and cleanliness in order to reduce infections caused by poor menstrual hygiene practices and were taught the process of self-examination. They were also educated on the importance for follow up and mobilizing higher risk breast cancer patients to nearby healthcare facilities.

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